on 23.07.2024 23:58 - Zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.07.2024 13:24 by Juliane
Hello, My account is blocked after an attempt to install SKY Q IP TV box. I had the wrong Sky pin. Several attempt to reset my account failed. Please advise. Thanks in advance for your help
Mod-Edit: Doppelpost -> https://community.sky.de/t5/Receiver/Problem-with-account/m-p/803770#M389494 Thread daher geschlossen.
24.07.2024 00:20
The Mods doesn't work in the night! Please wait until the morning. Than you get help.
24.07.2024 09:16
Thanks for reaching out!
I was able to fix the problem by resetting my pin code which I did it a couple of times before but didn't work. Today, is another day and the previous solution finally worked for me.